A well-booted friend who is both literate and erudite called “Gearheardt for President” Absurdist Genius. Except for the genius part which I added. I actually sent him James Joyce’s “Portrait of An Artist as a Young Man” knowing that he would never read it (or my book) but comment favorably. Actually I’m not sure anyone has ever read Portrait of an Artist…… The point is that satire is as dead as the proverbial doornail. Not that doornails were ever alive. But the world today is bat-shit crazy (in the vernacular) and satire is sadly only moderately moronic. The ‘good news’? Gearheardt for President moves closer to non-fiction. Ergo– I’m a serious historian.
The author
I’ve known Jennings for years. He actually is this crazy. But if laughter is indeed the best medicine, you can empty those medicine closet shelves and read and reread Gearheardt. (Suggestion: Void where the common sense of a hammer is evident). He’s written about the Vietnam War, the CIA in Mexico, and now the US banking system which is based entirely on greed and grand theft. It just needed sex for a good story . “Hold my beer,” Jennings said. And the amazing thing—he actually has a deep knowledge of those subjects from personal experience.
Brad Gardner (not my real name. Not even close)
All you really need to know about Gearheardt is that the country, after abandoning the Gold Standard a few decades ago, now uses the pornography* standard to back the dollar. And that’s the most reasonable thing Gearheardt and his pal Jack accomplish.
Darrell D. Thompson (no kin to Darrell D. Thompson)
*A black and white Kodak photo of Queen Beverly the 2th dressed as an otter riding a naked Prince Pedoman to the Nth over a floor strewn with Leggos and avocados brought $2.3 million after her death.
Don’t try to figure this book out, just relax read and laugh. I know Jennings. He doesn’t know what this book is about either. Except that in its deepest, craziest, sophomoric paragraphs the book isn’t as stunningly stupid as a majority of Americans evidently are. As Jennings once said, “According to the lovely woman in my life not a page in the morning paper is turned without ‘you gotta be shitting me’ uttered in disgust or despair.” (Again my apologies for the vernacular)
Lawrence Baker (not the Lawence Baker you’re thinking of)